Quotes of the Day

Journalist Damon Weaver barack obama white house
Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2009

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Ever since 11-year-old Damon Weaver scooped seasoned journalists by landing an interview with Barack Obama on Aug. 13, the adorably precocious sixth-grader from Pahokee, Fla., has taken YouTube by storm. His viral fame has already landed him a scholarship offer from Georgia's Albany State University and appearances on CNN, Fox and MSNBC. The reporter for his elementary school's KEC-TV station talked to TIME about his upcoming interviews, his career plans and what he thinks of Wolf Blitzer.

You've been trying to get an interview with President Obama pretty much since he was elected. How did it finally come about?
Well, they were doing a video on Sept. 8 on education and they wanted me to interview President Obama [for] the video. My teacher, Mr. Zimmerman, got a phone call from the White House. He told my mom, and my mom told me.

How was the White House?
The White House was big and red and white and a very nice house.

What did you think of the President?
He was a very nice, tall guy. And he gives very good details. I liked interviewing him. He's just like a normal person.

You looked very calm when you were interviewing him. Were you nervous?
Just a little.

At the end of the interview you asked Obama to be your homeboy, and he said yes. How does it feel?
It feels good. It feels the same, though.

Did you get to meet his kids?
No, but I met his dog, Bo. He's a very good dog and a very pretty dog. He has two white feet in front and two black feet in the back, and he listens to his commands. I took a picture with him and patted him on his head.

How do you think Obama is doing so far as President?
I think he's making the economy better.

How about education? What do you think his priorities should be?
I think that he should change the school lunches.

You told him you wanted mangoes on the menu, right?
Yep. Fries and mangoes.

He didn't seem to go for that idea. Were you disappointed?
No, it was O.K., because I'm used to the school lunches. So I have no problem.

So where do you go after interviewing the President? If you could interview anybody else, who would it be?
Football players. Like Michael Vick.

What would you ask him?
"What was it like being traded to the Eagles?"

What would your second question be?
"What was it like in jail?"

Your mom told me you were at football practice today. What position do you play?
Tight end.

What do you do for fun aside from sports?
I like to hang out with my friends. Just sit around and talk about football and shoot marbles.

What's your favorite subject in school?
I like reading, math and science. I like science most because you get to blow up stuff. We put baking soda in a cup with some vinegar and it started bubbling up. I also like the Fourth of July because you get to blow up firecrackers.

You live with your mom?
Yeah. And my grandmother is visiting. [I have] two brothers and two sisters.

Your interview with the President has been viewed more than 400,000 times on YouTube. Did you expect that?
Not in the first week.

What made you want to get into journalism in the first place?
Well, Mr. Zimmerman thought that I'd be good on the school news crew. So he [got] me to go do a report about Joe Biden. It was my first interview.

Were you nervous?
No, not at all. I thought he was a nice person.

Do you have a role model as a journalist? Do you want to be a TV anchor?
I would like to be Wolf Blitzer.

Have you gotten to meet him?
Yeah, he interviewed me. It was very fun. He was nice. He was asking me questions like, "What was it like with the President? How could I get in touch with him? And can you put in a good word for me?"

Did you tell Wolf Blitzer that you want to be just like him?
No, because it was my first time meeting him, and I tried to answer his questions. I took a picture with him after, and I said, "You're a nice guy."

Do you think you're going to work with him one day?

If you stay in journalism, do you want to keep reporting on the White House?
I would like to be an anchor on ESPN.

Do you definitely want to go into journalism? I heard you say in another interview you might want to be a football player.
I'm confused. Now I'm [thinking] about being a pilot. I would want to fly a rocket — and Delta Airlines. They have TVs on every seat.

Which do you like better, plane food or cafeteria food?
I vote cafeteria. Airplanes only serve peanuts, crackers and a drink for free.

When you're piloting your Delta airplane, what's the menu going to be?
Mangoes? I don't know.

I knew you were going to say mangoes.
Yeah. Mangoes. Mangoes and fries.

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  • Laura Fitzpatrick
  • Damon Weaver, 11, has been angling to interview President Obama since the election. On Aug. 13, he got his wish. Weaver talked to TIME about the President, the White House and Wolf Blitzer
Photo: Michele Sandberg / ZUMA